There is a level of peace that comes when I remember that, all of my days were already formed for me, before even I was formed... God cannot be surprised or dismayed by any of my steps. He knew what they would look like before I was even being formed in my mother's womb.
I have many goals in life. There are so many things I would like to do before my short time on earth is over. I want to gain higher education so that I am more capable of helping those in my community in a greater way; to gain a greater credibility. I want to find a husband that shares similar goals; to partner with and to love life with. I want to be a momma; to my kids and to other's. I want little hands to teach kindness and service to and tiny feet that learn to take giant leaps of faith. I want to travel the world and hold and nurture kiddos of all colors and ages and kiss their faces. I want to wipe tears from hurt kiddos' pain and speak life over them. I want them to know that He formed them, knitted them together wonderfully, intricately wove them, and has a brilliant plan for their lives. I want to love them to pieces. I want their hearts to grow strong in love for God and people.
I want to walk tall and feel strong. I want the work I am doing now, to enable me to push back walls of darkness in others. I want to do for others what people have done/are doing for me. I want to grow in my career. I want to grow in my health and wellness.
I want to legitimately learn how to play the piano; not just chord. I want to sing again. I want to paint and decorate a house I own. I want to have chickens and horses and puppies. I want to write a book. I want to share my story, (the pain AND the restoration), and see God use it for good.
Maybe not all of these things mentioned will happen. Though they seem like some pretty amazing goals, Ephesians says that God can do abundantly more than I can ask or imagine. So, I guess if these things don't happen, better things are on their way.
I just want to live strongly and laugh loudly and love deeply.
-Wonderful are His works;
my soul knows it very well.-
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