Today was a super long day... And I woke up exhausted to begin with. Got up at 7:00 am and reviewed for another 1.5 hours for the test that I took at 9:30 am. Got done with that at 10:45, came back to my dorm room and then headed to lunch, then went straight to the library. I got the library at 11:10 am. I went to the library because I have a big research paper due tomorrow and because I have been so busy with all of my other classes and things I haven't had time to get really workin on that. So, I found 5 sources and wrote a 4 page paper along with a Works Cited page....(hate those things)... I was at the library for exactly 7 hours. At 615 pm I packed up my stuff from the library and headed to dinner. Ate in exactly 4.5 minutes and headed back to work at 6:30. I worked until 8:30 and headed to my dorm to finish my paper. Just got done with it now.... Lemme tell ya. 7 hours in the library is NOT a fun way to spend your day.
I think that honestly, I need to go to bed and sleep for days. That's what I'm lookin forward to on Saturday. No roommate. No friends here for the weekend. No plans.
I think I really need to invest some heavy duty time with God. I miss Him. And I know He must miss me....
Goodnight lovely space....