Thursday, November 12, 2009

I don't want anything for Christmas...

God is SO good. I am so grateful to be allowed in His presence. His presence definitely wasn't always this accessible. How blessed we are!

I am so thankful for those that the Lord has placed me around to teach, lead, and guide me. I am thankful for learning different parenting skills, marriage skills, leadership skills, servanthood skills, how to LOVE the Lord no matter what you go through. How to praise Him in the storm. I am SO blessed!

I'm still waiting. Several times I've been tempted to change the name of my blog from, "Kayla's Journey to Haiti" to something less specific. Not a whole lot has changed from simply being called to aid the country and now I feel it could be years before even getting to set foot on the territory. Nevertheless, I am headed there and I will get there sometime. In this season of waiting, I will rest and be refreshed by the Lord. I will learn during this time. I will gain experience in the field of medicine, and I will reach local people. I LOVE people.

I LOVE people a lot. There's one thing that angers me a lot; When people hurt other people purposefully. I genuinely have a heart for those that are hurting. God has blessed me with a strong desire to see people live in the knowledge that they are loved, that they have a blessed future in the Lord, and that they are a child of the KING. That they have potential and that they can be healed. I never want to lose this feeling of wanting so badly to just help the needy. After all, there have definitely been times when I remember my family qualifying in the 'needy' category. So many people rose up and helped us. I remember distinctly one time coming home after church and our kitchen table was full of groceries, and the refrigerator and freezer was full. I remember as a young kid how much I was blessed with food I liked. And, I can't tell you how many times a close friend or family member has filled up my gas tank while I've been struggling in college. There's nothing wrong in needing some help from time to time for extended periods of time. It's just important that when you are back on your feet, you give back like you were blessed/more than you were blessed.

I've decided I pretty much don't want anything for Christmas. If anyone was actually going to spend money on me, I would want to save it and put it back to either A)give it to someone who needs it or B) put it in a missions account to save to go do work to help, still. I can't wait until I have the finances to bless other people with. To be able to do that would bless my heart so much! Yay, I get so excited just thinking about the possibilities! :-D

I MUST get rest. My eyes are BURNING. :)

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