Thursday, February 11, 2010


Convoy of Hope (check out sent out a really awesome tweet the other day. It read something like this, "As Haiti's story leaves the news, please do not let it leave you." It's one of those sentences that impacts you at 200 mph, and breaks your heart. It leaves you thinking, What can I do? Knowing full well that there is only so much money one person can give. Don't get me wrong, I know there is MORE that you can do besides just give financially, including raising awareness, possibly going to the ground to aid, and prayer. But sometimes it all feels so very insignificant. I am one person. How can one person make a difference?

It is then that I am reminded by our most powerful God how much difference one person CAN make. Elijah prayed against rain, and for like 70 years it did not rain. That's rather significant, don't you think? Last night at church, we learned that the most powerful kind of prayer is consistent prayer. Hour by hour, day by day, night after night... consistence. The full weight of that responsibility did not hit me 24 hours ago, when I heard it. It is making impact right now. I can't help but find correlation between Haiti/media/prayer in my own life. I prayed literally every second of the day for a solid two weeks for this country and those serving in it, but as time progressed, so did I.

I caught myself about a week ago updating my twitter status. It was going to read "kaylaaiken: is starving. Must stop and eat." When I realized my words, I was so ashamed of myself. We are blessed. I am so blessed. Blessed isn't even the word for it, I feel sometimes. I'm downright spoiled. I take advantage of my situation, and millions more do too. When I'm hungry, I eat. When they're hungry, they wait it out. When they're hungry, they find their stash of mudpies. But when I'm hungry, I drive to the next drive-thru and order a $5.00 meal. FIVE dollars is a week's wages in Haiti.

I have been following a family from Minnesota. They have been missionaries working with two ministries, one of which is Heartline. It is a medical team. They have several children, and reading Troy and Tara Livesay's is life altering. It keeps me from becoming too numb. It reminds me of the devastation. Check out their weblog and pray for them. Pray hard for them. They have recently (this week) flew to the United States to be with their children. They put their children (all of them) on an airplane short notice to get them out of Haiti. Not even knowing exactly where that plane was going. Can you imagine? Can you i-m-a-g-i-n-e??

They were reunited with their children and their son-in-law captured the reunion through photos. Viewing them brought tears to my eyes. This family needs prayer. They are sorting through a lot emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

As Convoy of Hope said, "As Haiti's story leaves the news, please do not let it leave you." Pray, friends. Pray really hard. Haiti needs your prayers. We are all called to intercede for them.

I love you!!

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