Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I'm a stethoscope...

About a week ago, the mom of the family that I live with turned 37. She was able to get this great house on Table Rock Lake through their TimeShare, and got to keep it 3 days, 2 nights. How cool, right? Well, she (and I) (and girls in general) LOVE to talk. She happens to be one of the greatest conversation topic starters I know. After we had tossed around different topics, one of the ladies there shared about a little message she used to speak on with a small women's ministry that traveled and spoke in different areas. (At least, that's the way I understood it.) I had her repeat the verses she based it off of twice, but to my despair, I still can't remember them. Oh well, I guess I can use it as an excuse to get together with her! ;-)

It went something along the lines of understanding that God has created and designed us all for different purposes, and some verse in the Bible does some crazy comparison to which she has came up with finding an item to describe who you are.

Ex. Cindy is a book, because she loves to write, (books!), and she is full of information, and knowledgeable, etc...

Which leads me to explaining the title of this blog post. I've thought about sharing it with whoever reads this silly thing for awhile, and now I am!

I am a stethoscope. Aside from the obvious reason of it being a medical instrument, and that I wear it around my neck (which is technically a no-no), one of the reasons I thought of was that I really like to get to the heart of a person. I love learning about who they are in the Lord, what passions they have, how they're going to change the world. What kind of mom they are, wife they are, sister, daughter, leader... I can hear skipped beats during conversation and immediately want to console and treat the root of the problem. Then, Melinda, (the mom of the family I live with...), chimed in and mentioned that I ask frequently, "How are you?", which is true I do. And I typically receive the classical, "I'm good, how are you?", when I truly want to know what the other person's life is currently like. Granted, some people find that intrusive, but others see my heart and understand I truly care.

Then, blessed Cindy, (who doesn't know me at all), said that when she thought stethoscope, she thought about how they are sensitive. They pick up on every little noise, and they know how to keep distance from loud things. Things that would cause too harmful a vibration. How cool is that? I just love it! I'm a stethoscope. I'm sure I could find many things that I could describe myself in, but this one is definitely a top for me.

What about you? What would you be? Don't think too hard or it won't work!


Laci said...

Kayla! I love this post. You are SOOO a stethoscope...perfect! I'm trying to think of what I would be, but I have no idea yet. I know you said don't think too hard.....hmmmmmmmmm?!?!?!

Kayla said...

Haha, Laci, It would help if I had explained it better. Maybe in person, I could help. All of the ladies there found that they tended to picture of a specific item, and maybe only one reason why they were that item, and then all the other ladies helped finish it out for them. It's so awesome! :)