Sunday, February 8, 2009

My Dear Precious Lord...

He blesses me. He loves me. He keeps me always. He will never let me go. No matter what I do. No matter how many times I mess up. He will always be right beside me. He makes my oceans part and sets me upon higher ground. I never have to fear because He will always comfort me. His peace overwhelms my soul and his prosperity is forever engraved in my heart. The grace He sheds over me keeps me from harm and the mercy He drapes around my shoulders covers me from dryness and emptiness. I want to forever proclaim His goodness and never forget how much He cares for me. He loves me so much that when I mess up He lets me know about it. He does everything in His power to alert me to my wrongdoing. Then, He forgives me. And He tells me to get back up and try again. My whole life I want to give to Him. I have given it to Him. He has spoken to me and told me that He has big plans for my life. He will be with me and will provide my necessities as I need them. He has called me to live a life of crazy living. He wants me to experience the fullness of Him in every way. He wants me to pray for the sick and call upon those that will lead others. He wants me to use medicine to reach the poor and hurt. He wants me to care for the little children. He will give me a husband. He will be there for us. He will guide our family. I will not need or want for anything. My provision will come from Him and Him alone. I will not worry or fear. For, He died so I don't need to. The weight of my sin and problems are cast upon His shoulders and I will gladly, thankfully, and humbly accept HIS yoke. For it is much lighter than mine. He is all I need. He will keep me pure and holy. I will always follow His ways. Though I fall, I will get back up and keep on. I will make a difference in the history of nations for HIM. I want to. I have always wanted to. My heart is broken because I know that this won't be easy. I know that I was born for a purpose. And my life will not be an easy one on earth, but it is so short compared to eternity that I should not worry or want it to be over quickly. I will soak in the beauty of God's presence here and right now. I offer my devotion. I offer my life. I will serve and be glad serving.

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