Wednesday, March 7, 2012

i don't know what to title this

I just watched a movie. It's buzzing on Facebook. It's had 1,845,831 hits on YouTube. You can watch it here: #makekonyfamous

I won't go into what it's all about, because my words would not give it the justice it deserves.

This video gnaws at the core of who I am. To fight for justice for those who are too entangled and captured to free themselves. To love them.

I don't know much about the man who's behind all of this. Jason Russell is his name. He's making a difference. And in this video there was not ONE mention of God or Jesus or religion. Simply a seeking of justice.

In eight years, he has gotten far. He has empowered those around him to stand up and create an army of peace. And the US Government had no choice but to respond.

With God, I hear, "Wait." At least, with a lot of God's followers I hear, "Wait."

But what if we're not supposed to. Jason Russell didn't. He fought. And people are joining him.

Can we do more without God than with Him?

Theologically, and digging back to my roots, I hear a shouting, "no!"

But logically, with the evidence before me, my heart screams, "yes!"

I wish I could tell you what is happening in this mind and heart of mine. I can only write with words so much...


Olga said...

The same man who was sent to psych ward over the weekend for masturbating and running naked in public? Probably the reason he didn't mention God ! Because God doesn't make people act like that, maybe?

Kayla said...

Olga, my word... you need to learn how to comment in love. Just seeing this. What in all the world makes you think you have the right to pass judgment like this??