Monday, June 15, 2009


...are always the hardest.

When I signed up to be gone for six weeks, I didn't quite envision having to tell my family goodbye. I still have several to say, and even though I will not be leaving the US until the beginning of July, it's always hard. I won't see my Daddy again after tonight until the beginning of August. I laid beside him tonight on the bed and listened as he told me how special I was to him and how I needed to be careful. He teared, as did I.

I said goodbye to my sister tonight, and her son (my nephew), Jalen. He is only 1 1/2, and doesn't quite understand. All he knows is that I'm leaving for the night. He cried, and kept clutching for me-even though he was with his momma. I'm still fighting tears right now over that! I've never left my family. I've never been farther than 130 miles away from them, and I've never been away for longer than 2 weeks. I still have to say goodbye to my Mom, which I am hoping she will get to come see me off from Springfield when I fly to New Orleans. And, I also have to say goodbye to my grandma mom and papa tom. I am so close to them. ahhh... That is so hard. It's hard every weekend, and not getting any easier.

I know I am twenty, but I am still so fresh at adulthood. I don't ever want goodbye's to become easy! When the Spirit said to 'Go!', I didn't ever consider the consequences or emotions involved. I know I will probably encounter many more emotions while gone, but for now, I am just believing that God will help control those feelings.

Pray for me, please. Because I don't like this at all!


1 comment:

charlibarnoskie said...

praying for you.

goodbyes are so hard.
just think of all the one's you'll come to in six weeks.
i'm so stoked for you!
